Basic of Relay (5V)
Purpose : Starting study basic of relay 5V
The 5 Pin of relay
Diagram |
When put the code to AC 220V the bulb still not light ,We need to give DC 5V run to relay in order to pull metal from NC to NO.When NO keep with COM the electron can run to the bulb,then the bulb light. Even though, the electric 220V loss the bulb still light, because we connect NC pin to GND of code bulb.
NOTE : A bulb must be have battery inside.
Step to connect
1. connect pin (NO) to code(L)
from 220V
2. connect pin (COM) to code(L)
from blub
3. connect pin (NC) to code(GND)
from both 220V direct to bulb
4. Give DC 5V run into pin
(+ and -) of relay