7-Segment display
This project is to make electronic device “7 Segment Display” that use the 3 different gate, such as: NOT gate use with IC
7404, AND gate use with IC
7408 and OR gate use with IC
7432 for control circuit in order to convert from
binary code to decimal code that show in real number, such as: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 that only push the 4 different button A, B, C, D.
1) Introduction Now a day, technology is very important rode
for every people around the world. So we need to make an electronic device that
call “7 Segment Display”. This device can show from number 0 to number 9 by just only push the button. We can use
this device in different benefit work, like: for traffic light that can set and
control time easily. For than more, we can apply it in order to control time
like: clock, temperature …etc. In sum, we can use and control 7 segment to set
as ascending, descending or permutation.
2) Material
3) SOKRA Method
are 5 steps to complete this method:
1.Take the letter that stand for the
4 binary digit number (ABCD) of the letter that stand for which LED in 7
Segment (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) that have value 1 to sum. Those binary digit
number (1=A, 0=
2.Take the 4 letter of binary digit
number in each bunch to compare with other binary digit number that in letter
of those LED have value 0;
3.If which letter of binary digit
number that the letter of LED have value 1 can make the letter of binary digit
number that the letter of LED have value 0 to become 0 So, we keep those letter in
order to make short from 4 letter.
4.If the letter of each bunch that
make letter of binary digit number to become 0 more than other letter, so we
take that letter. If more than 1 are equal take all those equal letter.
5.If each bunch of the 4 letter in
sum are make letter of binary digit number equal 0 the same, so we take only 1.
Example Letter (a) of LED
Final result of letter in LED (a to g) |
4) Experiments
5) Final Result
- The result, we can see that 7 Segment is work well. it can show the number from 0 to 9 that we just push the button (A, B, C,D) and following the rule.