Controlling 220V Light Bulb Through
WiFi with NodeMCU
This technology that cooperates with the internet is easy control any electronic devices in order to gain us more advantages on time and money. This project can applies to many factors in our lives like At Home, Hotel, Factory, Construction site…. Furthermore this project have a wide range of usage depend on the requirement of the modern technology in the 21 Century of Human!!
1. Description
this project we will show you a I
<3 FE production using 220V light bulb. All bulb in each letter are parallel
which you can control from anywhere you are using a local Wi-Fi with NodeMCU.
The range of it is infinite. Either you in another country or another continent
you can control them if you have the internet.
2. Detail
This small
project required using NodeMCU to connect to a specific Wi-Fi which we will
need it to be near NodeMCU in order to control the bulb. Using NodeMCU we will
connect it to the Blynk app which we will control it from anywhere from the
world. We will also be using the Arduino IDE to code the NodeMCU. Phone will be
the most significant role of all for this project because we will be
controlling NodeMCU from our Phone
(IOS or Android).
3. Component
4. Application
5. Result
6. Reference
3. Component
3.1. Node MCU
3.2. Circuit of Relay |
Schematic |
PCB Layout |
3D View |
5. Result
6. Reference
good job